Obama aides helped beat California proposition
by Ben Smith, Politico
David Axelrod’s political consulting firm, now led by Larry Grisolano, John Del Cecato, and other Obama campaign aides, sent out an email last night touting its role in the defeat of Proposition 1A, one of five that failed yesterday in a popular expression of disgust with government in California.
AKPD ran a campaign labaling 1A "Arnold’s power grab" and attacking the measure as "flawed."
The opposition to this proposition, unlike the others, however, wasn’t quite as linked to conservative anti-tax stances. The proposition also included measures limiting spending that could have affected state employee wages– which explains why AKPD client SEIU opposed it. Their campaign, naturally, barely mentioned that aspect, focusing instead on attacking a "rainy day fund" as unaccountable and its extension of tax increases.
AKPD Message and Media extends warm congratulations to California’s No on 1A Coalition for their victory in yesterday’s Special Election.
AKPD worked with the No on 1A Coalition to produce television and internet advertising which helped defeat California’s misguided Prop 1A by a vote of 65.9% to 34.1%. Prop 1A had powerful proponents, including Governor Schwarzenegger, but paid media such as "Accounting Professor " helped to clarify an otherwise complex issue so that California voters learned that Prop 1A was flawed.
Larry Grisolano, AKPD’s managing partner, said: "We’re proud to stand by the No on 1A Coalition of teachers, faculty, nurses, health care providers, seniors and public employees, who fought so hard on behalf of real budget reform."
The Coalition included participation from citizen and labor groups, such as the California Faculty Association, the California Federation of Teachers, SEIU California State Council, the League of Women Voters of California, Congress of California Seniors, Health Access California, California Nurses Association, Consumer Federation of California, and Older Women’s League of California.
AKPD also implemented the campaign’s advocacy website, VoteNoOn1A.com, which conveyed the Coalition’s perspective to those wanting to learn more after viewing the Coalition’s television and internet advertising.
AKPD has a long history as media consultant to successful referendum and issue expenditure campaigns.