Category Archives: CFC in the News

Obama Administration Waffles in ‘Defense’ of California’s Financial Privacy Law

by Zack Kaldveer, Consumer Federation of California, California Progress Report

While it should be noted that the Obama Administration’s position is an improvement over that taken by President Bush – who was actively supporting the banks appeal, arguing that California should not be permitted to regulate banks’ privacy practices – this brief does not translate into a victory for privacy advocates. Read More ›

State privacy law not hurting banks, feds say

by Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle

“California’s law is a model for the nation and provides consumers much more control of their personal financial information than does federal law,” said Richard Holober, executive director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›

State Senate Votes to Ban Toxic Flame Retardants from Children’s Furniture

A coalition of concerned mothers, firefighters, environmentalists, public health experts and consumer groups are one step closer to winning a landmark victory for children’s health with the State Senate’s approval last evening of SB 772 (Leno). Read More ›

Firing Groundskeepers Won’t Fix The Budget Mess

by Richard Holober, Consumer Federation of California, California Progress Report

The Governor failed to mention the $2.5 billion in permanent tax cuts that he and lawmakers lavished on profitable corporations in the 2008-2009 budget deals at a time they were raising taxes on workers and consumers and slashing funding to schools, transit and health clinics. Read More ›

Firing school custodians won’t fix the budget mess

by Richard Holober, Executive Director, Consumer Federation of California

While lawmakers grapple with the imminent crisis, we must plan for long term solutions to the structural budget shortfall. Tax justice demands that wealthy businesses pay their fair share before we further decimate our schools and hospitals. Read More ›

Obama aides helped beat California proposition

by Ben Smith, Politico

The opposition to this proposition, unlike the others, however, wasn’t quite as linked to conservative anti-tax stances. The proposition also included measures limiting spending that could have affected state employee wages — which explains why AKPD client SEIU opposed it. Read More ›

“Read it yourself” Before Voting on Prop. 1A

by Mike Roth, The California Majority Report

Proposition 1A’s opponents include the League of Women Voters of California, Congress of California Seniors, Health Access California, California Nurses Association, California Federation Teachers, Consumer Federation of California, Older Women’s League of California, SEIU California State Council, and the California Faculty Association. Read More ›

Saving money on gas – and saving the environment

by Kelly Bush, KSBY 6 Action News (ABC)

“You’re using your car as if it’s a storage closet, and if you remove those items, you know, the less weight your engine is having to pull, the more you’re saving on gasoline,” said Richard Holober with the Consumer Federation of California.

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Ballot measures to raise taxes, cap salaries

by Dana Yates, San Mateo Daily Journal

“Instead of making our budget process more transparent and accountable, 1A does the opposite. Its complex formulas and fine print will invite unintended consequences and behind the scenes manipulation” according to arguments against the proposition, signed by the Congress of California Seniors, California Faculty Association and Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›

Michael Finney wins an award from the Consumer Federation of California!

Michael Finney was recognized as the Journalist of the Year by the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›

A shameful effort to limit class actions

by Richard Holober, CFC Executive Director, San Francisco Chronicle

As government regulators and private consumer attorneys seek to hold AIG and its Wall Street friends to account for misconduct that has destroyed the jobs, homes and retirement savings of millions of Americans, these onetime financial titans are scurrying to slam shut the courthouse doors on their victims. Read More ›

California labor leader Albin Gruhn dies

by John Wildermuth, San Francisco Chronicle

In 1972 he became a founding officer, and ultimately president emeritus, of the Consumer Federation of California. “Al was a great pioneer of the consumer movement in California,” said Jim Gordon, the federation’s president. “Al Gruhn always had the interests of consumers and working people in his heart. He built bridges between the consumer movement and our allies in organized labor and in the community.” Read More ›

It Takes a Village: Changes needed to be made to fund education

by Andy Shapiro, Santa Cruz Sentinel

It is unconscionable that as California is dealing with a $42 billion deficit, multi-state and multi-national corporations will receive new, permanent tax cuts that will cost the state approximately $1 billion this year and $1.5 billion in future years, according to Richard Holober, executive director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›

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