CFC Supports AB 2486 (Feuer) – Social Host Liability – Passes Ass. Judiciary


Bill Status: The bill passed the Assembly Judiciary Committee on March 23rd, 2010, by a vote of 10 to 0. The bill now moves to the Assembly floor.

CFC Position:

AB 2486 allows for civil litigation against ‘social hosts’ who serve alcohol to underage individuals who subsequently are injured or harm others due to their consumption of alcohol.

Currently, California law provides for complete immunity in the civil courts for social hosts in these circumstances. However, the majority of states have laws that hold social hosts responsible, and permits civil action against them.

AB 2486 only applies to social hosts who consciously provide alcohol to minors. Hence, while AB 2486 eliminates the immunity currently afforded to social hosts, the family of the injured or killed would still need to prove that negligence occurred.

Therefore, this bill is extremely limited in that it does not automatically hold social hosts liable for injuries and deaths due to underage drinking.

We urge legislators to prevent teen drinking tragedies by voting AYE on AB 2486.