Landowners left out of the loop on ‘fracking’ risks
by Neela Banerjee, Los Angeles Times
Natural gas companies that use hydraulic fracturing disclose the risks, such as leaks, spills and explosions, to shareholders, but property owners aren’t privy, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group. Read More ›
CFC Supports SB 708 – Extending Protection Against Foreclosure Law
The onslaught of foreclosures has pushed Californians out of their homes often without the ability to pursue alternative payment arrangements, little recourse and few options to remedy the negative impact on their credit standing. Read More ›
Attorneys General in California, Nevada Join Forces to Investigate Mortgage Fraud
by Laura Mahoney, Reproduced with Permission from Banking Daily
Consumer Federation of California spokesman Zack Kaldveer told BNA in an e-mail the alliance is a positive step, and a direct contrast to the national talks that the two states rightfully left. Read More ›
California, Nevada team up to investigate mortgage abuses
by Rick Daysog, Sacramento Bee
California and Nevada, which suffer the highest foreclosure rates in the country, will team up to investigate mortgage abuses by the nation’s largest banks. Read More ›
Carrier IQ Revelations and Smart Phone Privacy
by Zack Kaldveer, CFC Communications Director, Privacy Revolt/Consumer Federation of California
Since this Carrier IQ story broke last week, we’ve learned that the company’s spying technology is present on 141 million phones, including Androids and iPhones and possibly models made by BlackBerry, Nokia and other manufacturers. Read More ›
CFC Supports AB 1197 – Public Utilities Whistleblower Protection
In light of the 2010 gas transmission pipeline explosion in San Bruno, the need for additional safety regulations is clear. Part of this effort to increase safety must include providing sufficient protections to whistleblowers who report safety concerns to the CPUC. Read More ›
Patient Data Breaches Surge as Hospitals Scrimp on Security
by Chris Strohm, Business Week
Data breaches at U.S. health-care providers are increasing as hospitals adopt electronic medical records and mobile technology without spending enough on security to ensure patient privacy, a research group said. Read More ›
PUC pipeline secrecy battle heading to Sacramento
by Eric Nalder, Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle
State Sen. Leland Yee…said…that his first action when the Legislature reconvenes…will be to introduce a bill to repeal a law barring the public release of most records at the commission without a vote of its five appointed members.
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In debit card wars, consumers are usually losers
by Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle
The latest salvo came last week from the retailers, who have alleged that bankers are continuing to gouge them – despite the new limits – by exploiting a provision that allows them to add the costs of updating equipment to the fees they charge merchants. Read More ›
Law allows state PUC to keep utilities data secret
by Eric Nalder, Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle
Californians concerned about dangerous pipelines running underneath their neighborhoods are barred from obtaining government records about them by a 60-year-old state law backed by Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and other utilities, a Chronicle investigation shows. Read More ›
Laws for Sale: How Mercury Insurance is Buying Legislation in California
by Seth Jared , Technorati
The big question is, why would a private insurance company spend millions of dollars to save driver’s money? Out of the goodness of their hearts? No. It’s a great example of horrible government. Because they have money, Mercury is able to buy politicians, lawyers, and deceptive ads that make their mislabeled laws appear to benefit consumers. Read More ›
Money to Burn
by Liza Gross, Environmental Health News, East Bay Express
Facing growing concerns over the health risks of flame retardants in household products, the chemical industry spent at least $23.2 million over the past five years to lobby California officials and donate to campaigns in a successful effort to defeat legislation. Read More ›
Lobbying price tag: A quarter billion dollars by year’s end
by Cindy Baker, Capitol Weekly
Lobbyists have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. The powerful interests that employ lobbyists spent nearly quarter of a billion dollars – $217 million from Jan. 1 through Sept. 30 – to persuade government to meet their clients’ needs. The amount is a record. Read More ›