U.S. takes Apple to trial over e-books price-fixing

Apple goes to trial over allegations by federal and state authorities that it conspired with publishers to raise the price of e-books. Read More ›

Bill seeks to ensure privacy as drone use rises

California would take its first steps to protect the public from the increased use of unmanned aircraft under a bill approved by the state Senate. Read More ›

Kohl’s loses appeal in California false-advertising lawsuit

by Rick Romell, Journal Sentinal

A federal appeals court has reinstated a false-advertising lawsuit brought against Kohls Corporation in California. Read More ›

Privacy at stake in state Senate bill

The California Senate should approve consumer online privacy protection legislation to be fair to consumers and to brick-and-mortar stores struggling to compete against online businesses. Read More ›

Bill would require more online retailers to collect sales tax

by Kevin Smith, Los Angeles Daily News

California consumers soon could be paying more for the products they buy online if a proposed federal law is approved. Read More ›

Who has access to your medical records? (Video)

The days of doctor/patient privacy are dwindling as more agencies and companies wield technology to peer into your medical records. Read More ›

California health exchange reveals premium costs

by Jim Sanders , Sacramento Bee

Californians have now received the bottom line on which insurance firms will sell policies on the state’s new health-care exchange this fall and how much those premiums will cost. Read More ›

California bill would prevent genetic-testing firms from using surreptitiously obtained DNA

by Jessica Shugart, San Jose Mercury News

Under California law, genetic snooping is perfectly legal. Now, legislators are considering a bill that would require a donor’s consent to collect, analyze or share genetic information. Read More ›

Costly tax loophole remains open

by Darwin Bond Graham, East Bay Express

A reform measure that would end a lucrative tax break for corporations and wealthy investors has stalled in the state legislature. Read More ›

California farmer warns: “Don’t trust oil industry, state or courts” to protect water

by Dan Aiello, California Progress Report

While there have been many cases where groundwater contamination has occurred with both oil production and fracking methods, oil producers’ settlements have included gag orders silencing whistleblowers who might warn the public of fracking dangers. Read More ›

Apple avoided billions in U.S. taxes on foreign income

by Jim Puzzanghera and Chris O'Brien, Los Angeles Times

Apple has used an elaborate web of offshore subsidiaries to avoid paying billions of dollars in U.S. taxes on $44 billion in foreign income over the past four years, a Senate investigation has found. Read More ›

California oil tax push would direct new funds to schools

by Jeremy B. White, Sacramento Bee

Just months after California voters passed Proposition 30 to stave off education cuts, a push is under way to ensure that the next stream of higher education funding flows out of the ground. Read More ›

Time to raise the minimum wage?

by Muhammed El-Hasan, San Gabriel Valley Tribune

The bill would increase the minimum wage 25 cents next year, another 50 cents in 2015 and then to $9.25 in 2016. Thereafter, it would be adjusted annually to the rate of inflation. Read More ›

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