State of California Health & Safety Web page
Has information and links to more resources, including the state’s Health and Human Services Agency, Department of Health Care Services, Department of Public Health, Department of Managed Health Care, and the Medical Board of California.

California Department of Education
Nutritional Services Division

P.O. Box 94427
Sacramento, CA 94244-2720
(800) 952-5609
(916) 445-0850

Handles complaints involving school food programs. Some common concerns include nutritional value and cleanliness.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814
Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
General Information: (301) 504-7923

Handles consumer complaints pertaining to dangerous and hazardous products, including fire, electrical, chemical and mechanical hazards

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
4510 Executive Drive, Suite 225
San Diego, CA 92121-3023
(858) 550-3850
24 Hr. Urgent Line: (301) 443-1240 (NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR 911)
Regional Consumer Complaint Coordinators:
Northern California – (510) 337-6741
Southern California – (949) 608-3530

Handles complaints about food and drug safety and correct labeling. Also oversees medicines, medical devices, blood products, vaccines, cosmetics, veterinary drugs, animal feed, and electronic products that emit radiation (such as microwave ovens and video monitors).