Tag Archives: Big Pharma
CFC supports greater transparency for prescription drug pricing (SB 17)
SB 17 (Hernandez) will promote transparency by requiring pharmaceutical companies to give prior notice to purchasers before raising prices, and to provide the state with an explanation for a drug’s price increase. Read More ›
What We’re Learning About Drug Company Payments to Doctors
by Charles Ornstein, Ryann Grochowski Jones and Eric Sagara (ProPublica), The New York Times

The federal government Tuesday is to release details of payments to doctors by every pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturer in the country, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act, including payments to doctors, dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists and optometrists for things like promotional speaking, consulting, meals, educational items and research. ProPublica has been detailing relationships between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry for four years as part of our Dollars for Docs project, and today, in cooperation with the website Pharmashine, we’ve added data for 2013. (You can look up your doctor using our easy search tool.) Read More ›