Category Archives: Legislative Updates

CFC-sponsored garage safety law signed by Governor

Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 969, a new law designed to save lives in home fires. The Consumer Federation of California sponsored SB 969 by Senator Bill Dodd, which requires newly sold or installed electric garage door openers to be equipped with a battery backup to prevent people … Read More ›

CFC supports AB 3080 (Gonzalez Fletcher)

The Consumer Federation of California supports AB 3080 (Gonzalez Fletcher), which will prevent employers from requiring workers to sign waiver of rights agreements as a condition of employment. These rights include: (1) disclosing to any person an instance of sexual harassment that the employee or independent contractor … Read More ›

CFC supports The Parent’s Social Media Accountability and Child Protection Act

AB 2511, The Parent’s Social Media Accountability and Child Protection Act, would prohibit a business from soliciting or knowingly permitting a minor to consent on behalf of a parent or legal guardian, to use of the minor’s name, image or information on a social media website or … Read More ›

CFC supports AB 713

AB 713 (Chu) ensures that residents of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) have the ability to prompt a fair and adequate review of an involuntary transfer of care. Under current law, vital factors such as the resident’s mental or physical health do not have to be considered, rending the right to dispute virtually meaningless. Read More ›

Governor Brown signs CFC sponsored SB 313 to make it easy to cancel automatic renewals

“It should be as easy to cancel a subscription as it is to sign up for it,” said Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›

CFC supports AB 814, which empowers city attorneys to go after corporate wrongdoing

CFC supports AB 814 (Bloom), which gives city attorneys the power to efficiently investigate and enforce laws that protect us against corporate wrongdoing. The Wells Fargo fraudulent account scandal was initially investigated by Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer. The investigations were impeded by the inability to … Read More ›

CFC supports equal protection for private student loan holders (SB 16)

If a borrower defaults on a private student loan, a creditor can garnish up to 25% of that borrower’s income. If a borrower defaults on a federal student loan, the maximum garnishment is 15%. SB 16 (Wieckowski) will ensure that the maximum garnishment is the same for … Read More ›

CFC supports greater transparency for prescription drug pricing (SB 17)

SB 17 (Hernandez) will promote transparency by requiring pharmaceutical companies to give prior notice to purchasers before raising prices, and to provide the state with an explanation for a drug’s price increase. Read More ›

CFC supports good government and privacy protection (SB 244)

CFC supports SB 244 (Lara), which prohibits state and local agencies from collecting and recording personal information, or disclosing any record containing personal information, for any purpose other than administering public services or programs. CFC Letters 9/5/17 Assembly Floor Alert 6/19/17 letter to Assembly Judiciary 5/22/17 letter … Read More ›

CFC supports SB 66, which closes tax loophole for corporate misbehavior

SB 66 (Wieckowski) will close a tax loophole that allows corporations to write off punitive damages paid out when they violate the law. Courts inflict punitive damages when violations are especially egregious, and California should end this corporate welfare that alleviates consequences for bad behavior. CFC Letters … Read More ›

CFC supports SB 63 to expand parental leave coverage to more workers

CFC supports SB 63 (Jackson) the New Parental Leave Act, a bill that will extend eligibility for job-protected parental leave to employees of companies with 20 or more workers. Existing job protections are only available to workers under the federal Family Medical Leave Act, which applies to … Read More ›

CFC proudly supports AB 375 (CA Broadband Internet Privacy Act)

Learn More at our AB 375 campaign website Read our press release. Follow news coverage of AB 375 Featured image: Wikimedia/Tony Webster under Creative Commons Sharealike 4.0

CFC strongly supports the Shutoff Reduction Act (SB 598)

Utilities frequently use disconnection as a debt collection strategy when customers can’t pay their bills. The results are often a worsening of medical conditions, reduced household safety, and homelessness. SB 598 (Hueso) the Shutoff Reduction Act prohibits shutoffs to residents suffering life-threatening medical conditions. Our 5/22/17 letter … Read More ›

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