CFC Supports SB 881 (Corbett) – Renewable Energy Project Planning
Bill Update: SB 881 passed the Senate Government and Finance Committee and is currently on suspense file in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
CFC Position: Support
SB 881 (Corbett) requires the Office and Planning and Research to compile information relevant to the siting and permitting of renewable energy projects and to post that information on the internet.
Specifically, SB 881 (Corbett) requires the Office to compile information on permitting requirements, siting issues and opportunities specific to different regions of the state, information on areas of the state that have been identified as having potential for renewable energy development, and other information.
AB 32’s renewable energy goals offer California a great opportunity for change. The goals also pose a great challenge to utility systems and private investors who seek to initiate renewable energy projects.
One significant challenge is navigating the various permit requirements in different governmental agencies. By compiling existing permitting resources for entities seeking guidance, SB 881 would streamline the permitting process and expedite renewable energy projects and bring California closer to AB 32 targets.
For these reasons, the Consumer Federation of California supports SB 881.