Coalition of Nine Consumer Groups List Legislative Priorities
Sacramento – Lawmakers returning from summer recess today will be greeted by a letter from nine consumer rights organizations outlining legislative priorities during the final month of the 2009 session.
Signing the letter are CALPIRG, California Alliance for Retired Americans, Congress of California Seniors, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of California, Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, Consumers Union, Older Women’s League of California, and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
This list includes two bad anti-consumer bills and eleven good pro-consumer bills. All bills on the list are authored by Democrats. The letter states, ‘Decades of lax consumer regulation have taken their toll on our state’s economy, with disastrous results for low income consumers, working families and retirees.
We call on the legislature to take action to restore public confidence in the marketplace by standing up to special interests. Enact the pro-consumer measures and defeat the anti-consumer bills on the attached list.We stand united in our support or opposition to them.
Click here to read the letter and view the coalition’s priority list of legislation.