A Battle within the CPUC: Cell Phone Privacy Vote

locked cell phone

The California Public Utilities Commission is now scheduled to vote on January 16, on opposing Commissioners’ proposals to either take steps to protect consumers’ telecom privacy or to stay with outdated rules that were put in place before cell phones and data-mining applications existed. Read More ›

Could Californians get a college degree for $10,000?

by Laurel Rosenhall, Sacramento Bee

With the cost of going to college already more than $30,000 a year at many California campuses, is it possible to earn a bachelor’s degree for just $10,000? Read More ›

Mixed bag of rates for PG&E customers to start 2013

by Mark Glover, Sacramento Bee

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said that residential customers will see a significant decline in natural gas rates and a modest increase in electric rates to kick off 2013. Read More ›

Sandy Hook scammers coming out of woodwork

It seems almost unimaginable that someone would try to take advantage of the Newtown school tragedy to defraud consumers, but evidently scam artists are willing to stoop to a new low. Read More ›

Brown plans extensive changes for school funding in 2013

by Anthony York, Los Angeles Times

Gov. Jerry Brown will push this year to upend the way schools are funded in California, hoping to shift more money to poorer districts and end requirements that billions of dollars be spent on particular programs.
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In addition to CFC press releases and op-eds written by CFC and published around the state, selections below include selected CFC advocacy blog posts through 2013.

Primary care doctors growing scarce

by Drew Johnson, San Francisco Chronicle

Roughly 4 million additional Californians are expected to obtain health insurance by 2014 through the federal health law, an expansion that will likely exacerbate the state’s doctor shortage and could squeeze primary care access in the Bay Area, experts say. Read More ›

Mercury News editorial: PUC ruling benefits PG&E at ratepayers’ expense

In its latest and perhaps greatest outrage, the PUC ruled that PG&E can profit from the deadly 2010 San Bruno blast that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. Read More ›

Crackdown on car cellphones

by Bill Lindelof, Sacramento Bee

Nearly 3,000 drivers were caught breaking cellphone rules during a crackdown in Sacramento County and dozens of other police jurisdictions throughout Northern California. Read More ›

California gets federal approval to close Healthy Families

by Kevin Yamamura , Sacramento Bee

California will begin moving 860,000 lower-income children from Healthy Families to Medi-Cal next month after receiving last-minute federal approval today, state health officials said. Read More ›

California consumer laws in effect in 2013

Here is a look at some of the consumer rights bills that the Consumer Federation of California supported that were signed into law and will take effect in 2013. Read More ›

Affordable Care Act presents many unknowns for California officials

by Anthony York, Los Angeles Times

It is unclear how many Californians will sign up when the healthcare law takes effect in 2014, making it difficult for the Brown administration to estimate the costs of expanded coverage. Read More ›

Jerry Brown pushes new funding system for California schools

by Kevin Yamamura, Sacramento Bee

After CA schools eliminated art programs and increased class sizes to survive budget cuts, they are getting more money thanks to voter-approved taxes and economic recovery. Read More ›

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