Governor Still Has Promises to Keep

On the vast majority of his campaign promises, Schwarzenegger has yet to produce specific results. Read More ›

Stop Schwarzenegger’s $22 billion tax increase

On his second day in office, Governor Schwarzenegger proposed a whopping $15 billion bond. The estimated tax cost for our children and grandchildren: $22 billion. Stop the massive tax hike! Read More ›

New Bill Advances Privacy Rights

“Senator Speier’s new legislation represents an important step forward for financial privacy,” stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California. “We support the legislation and we will keep working to prohibit information sharing without explicit consumer consent.” Read More ›

Big Business Buys Off Legislators

by Christian Berthelsen, San Francisco Chronicle

Banking and insurance interests gave more than $700,000 in campaign contributions in the last election to members of a state legislative committee that defeated a financial privacy protection bill. Read More ›

Financial Privacy Initiative Press Conference

Californians are deeply concerned about their financial privacy and overwhelmingly support strong privacy protection. Read More ›

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