Stabbing Us in the Back’: United Airlines Cuts Worker Hours After Taking Relief Funds ‘SLAP IN THE FACE’

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said this week the funds were not meant as “an economic bail-out” but “to support the hard-working men and women who are the faces of United Airlines.” Daily Beast full story here

Amazon, Whole Foods, Instacart Workers Organize a Historic Mass Strike

On May 1st, frontline workers at some of the biggest corporations in the country will lead a mass strike action, asking customers to boycott Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods, and Target. Read full story

AutoNation, a retailer worth billions, says it received nearly $80 million in SBA funds

Employees speak out, saying the company took ‘an obscene amount,’ and the board votes to return funds to the government. See the full article from the Washington Post.

Nurses are protesting working conditions under coronavirus — and say hospitals aren’t protecting them

“We know that the CDC policy is built on shortage. It’s not built on proven evidence,” one expert said. Full article click here

CFC Urges Regulation of For-Profit Colleges

Private For-profit colleges charge a fortune for low quality education that too often leaves students and graduates deeply in debt and lacking the skills needed to get living wage jobs. State oversight has been lax. CFC and student advocates are calling on lawmakers to put some teeth … Read More ›

Protect Nursing Home Patients

CFC and a coalition of advocates for nursing home patients are urging lawmakers to reform the state’s system of oversight and payment for skilled nursing homes. COVID-19 has added urgency to the call to strengthen patient protection and oversight of this industry. Read the coalition letter

The corrupt tax provision in the CARES Act: Rep. Doggett & Sen. Whitehouse

In a bill meant to provide relief to millions of Americans in need, those making millions were the ones who really benefited. To read the USA Today full article, click here

As economy struggles amid coronavirus, low-wage workers of color taking a major hit

NBC news article People of color make up a disproportionate share of workers in the industries where layoffs are the most intense and only expected to get worse.

Auto Insurers Are Making Windfall Profits from COVID-19; Consumer Advocates Call on Companies to Provide Refunds, Lower Premiums to Californians Who Have Stopped Driving

California Insurance Commissioner Petitioned to Take Action Sacramento – Automobile insurance companies are making windfall profits from Californians idled by the Coronavirus Stay at Home Orders and should refund or credit premiums to motorists, consumer advocates said today in a petition filed with the California Insurance Commissioner. … Read More ›

Insurers attack fair automobile rate regulations

Insurers create phony “groups” to favor wealthy motorists with lower rates. Consumer, senior, civil rights and community advocates are supporting a proposed California Department of Insurance regulation that would curb an industry abuse of automobile insurance rate fairness. The coalition sent a letter to the Assembly Insurance … Read More ›

Wells Fargo reaches $3 billion settlement with DOJ, SEC over fake-accounts scandal

Feb. 21, 2020 – Renae Merle, Washington Post – Wells Fargo agreed Friday to pay $3 billion to settle potential federal criminal and civil charges that, for more than a decade, the bank’s aggressive sales goals led to widespread consumer abuses, including millions of accounts opened without … Read More ›

State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson pushes to end “pink tax”

Feb. 18, 2020 – Lindsay Zuchelli, KEYT ABC Channel 3 – State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson is pushing to end the so-called “Pink Tax.” The senator, whose district covers Santa Barbara County and part of Ventura County, held a news conference Tuesday in Sacramento alongside Congresswoman Jackie Speier, … Read More ›

End the Pink Tax

SB 873 (Jackson) would make it unlawful to charge more for products marketed to women and girls. The Consumer Federation of California is co-sponsoring legislation that would ban the practice of charging more for products that are marketed to women and girls than is charged for substantially … Read More ›

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