AB 2167: An end-run on regulations that make insurers justify rate increases

While Californians are hunkered down to survive the pandemic, the insurance industry is sneaking AB 2167 (Daly) through the legislature. It would short circuit the Insurance Commissioner’s rate review process, which requires insurers to base homeowners’ rates on justified factors. It is estimated that AB 2167 could … Read More ›

Editorial: Reject Prop. 24, California’s online privacy measure Complex ballot measure is the wrong way to go about achieving consumer protections

Mercury News & East Bay Times Editorial Boards

New California Financial Watchdog Would Take Aim At Predatory Lenders Amid Pandemic

Read full NPR article here

Uber and Lyft just got hit with another lawsuit in California over claims the companies are skirting the state’s gig worker law

Business Insider article here

The Technology 202: Privacy advocates battle each other over whether California’s Proposition 24 better protects consumers

Washington Post article here

With Californians in COVID lockdown, industry lobbyists are working to overturn voter-approved consumer protections

San Jose Mercury article here

Florida man uses coronavirus aid money to buy a $318,000 Lamborghini

MarketWatch article

Car insurers gave everyone a pandemic discount. Now some are raising rates

Read the story on LA Times or download it here

The Supreme Court Broadens Robocall Ban in New Ruling

Consumer World article

Supreme Court rules president can fire CFPB director but allows agency to operate


California Acts to Protect Auto Insurance Consumers from Paying COVID-19 Windfall Profits to Insurers

Consumer Federation of America

Over 125 health experts defend safety of reusables during COVID-19 pandemic

Greenpeace International

Gen Z borrowers are unaware of Covid-19 student loan relief programs, study finds

Many student loan borrowers were suffering when the pandemic shuttered the economy. CNBC article

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