Tag Archives: Antibiotics
Overwhelming Majority of Doctors Concerned About Use of Antibiotics in Healthy Livestock
by Consumers Union, press release

Consumer Reports’ poll found that 97% of doctors are concerned about the growing problem of drug-resistant infections — an understandable worry given that nearly a third of doctors polled have had a patient die or suffer significant complications within the last year from a multi-drug resistant infection. Those numbers are even higher for doctors who work in both outpatient and hospital settings. Some 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used not on humans but on animals. Read More ›
White House Acknowledges Over-use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals, Shrugs
by Chris Morran, Consumerist

A report from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology that acknowledges a growing over-use of antibiotics in agriculture and medicine “underscores the crisis we’re facing as bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics,” a Natural Resources Defense Council spokeswoman said. “Unfortunately, much more follow through is needed from the Administration. … It must take steps to curb the overuse of antibiotics in animals, which consume about 80 percent of the antibiotics.” Read More ›
Proposed Federal Laws & Regulation That Could Help Consumers In 2014
by Kate Cox, Consumerist

Here are four key areas — mostly proposed laws and one policy — to keep an eye on throughout the new year. If you want to see any of these federal bills become law, make sure you let your representatives and senators know. Read More ›