Tag Archives: Michael Peevey
San Jose Mercury News Editorial: Brown’s Veto Damages PUC Reform Effort
by The Editorial Board, San Jose Mercury News

Gov. Jerry Brown’s rejection of crucial reforms of the scandal-plagued California Public Utilities Commission is appalling. … The six bills Brown vetoed would have tightened the rules on communications between utility executives and PUC members to try to halt the pattern of wink-and-nod backroom deals. The most egregious example was helping PG&E get the judge it wanted for a rate-setting hearing. The legislation also outlined simple standards for when a commissioner should be disqualified from a case and added requirements for public meetings. Read More ›
PG&E Got $29 Million In ‘Corrupt Deal’ With State, Group Says
by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle

A ratepayer group demanded Wednesday that the California Public Utilities Commission undo a $29 million profit boost for Pacific Gas and Electric Co. that the commission approved after its president reportedly solicited the utility’s help in defeating a state ballot measure. “We have got compelling evidence of a corrupt deal between PG&E and President Michael Peevey,” said Tom Long, attorney for The Utility Reform Network. Read More ›
San Bruno mayor wants top official removed from blast probe
by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle

California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey should be removed in light of San Bruno explosion-related emails that show state officials are “subject to undue influence” by PG&E and the CPUC “is corrupted.” Mayor Jim Ruane also called on Peevey to be removed as head of regulatory proceedings into whether PG&E should be fined more than $2 billion for safety violations related to the explosion. San Bruno officials filed a complaint against PG&E for “knowingly and intentionally attempting to illegally influence the outcome” of cases related to the 2010 disaster. Read More ›
Uber, Lyft setback: Insurance chief backs proposal to hike coverage requirements
by Patrick Hoge, San Francisco Business Times
An insurance gap was highlighted last New Year’s Eve when a driver seeking passengers in San Francisco with the UberXd smartphone application open struck and killed a little girl. Uber argues it isn’t liable because the driver didn’t have a ride order at the time. The girl’s parents sued; their attorney said the driver’s insurance only allowed for maximum payouts of $15,000 per person and a maximum of $30,000, the California minimum. Read More ›