Tag Archives: Michael Peevey

San Jose Mercury News Editorial: Brown’s Veto Damages PUC Reform Effort

by The Editorial Board, San Jose Mercury News

PG&E pipeline ignites an explosion in San Bruno 9/10/2010.

Gov. Jerry Brown’s rejection of crucial reforms of the scandal-plagued California Public Utilities Commission is appalling. … The six bills Brown vetoed would have tightened the rules on communications between utility executives and PUC members to try to halt the pattern of wink-and-nod backroom deals. The most egregious example was helping PG&E get the judge it wanted for a rate-setting hearing. The legislation also outlined simple standards for when a commissioner should be disqualified from a case and added requirements for public meetings. Read More ›

PG&E Got $29 Million In ‘Corrupt Deal’ With State, Group Says

by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle

CPUC headquarters

A ratepayer group demanded Wednesday that the California Public Utilities Commission undo a $29 million profit boost for Pacific Gas and Electric Co. that the commission approved after its president reportedly solicited the utility’s help in defeating a state ballot measure. “We have got compelling evidence of a corrupt deal between PG&E and President Michael Peevey,” said Tom Long, attorney for The Utility Reform Network. Read More ›

San Bruno mayor wants top official removed from blast probe

by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle

PG&E pipeline ignites an explosion in San Bruno 9/10/2010.

California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey should be removed in light of San Bruno explosion-related emails that show state officials are “subject to undue influence” by PG&E and the CPUC “is corrupted.” Mayor Jim Ruane also called on Peevey to be removed as head of regulatory proceedings into whether PG&E should be fined more than $2 billion for safety violations related to the explosion. San Bruno officials filed a complaint against PG&E for “knowingly and intentionally attempting to illegally influence the outcome” of cases related to the 2010 disaster. Read More ›

Uber, Lyft setback: Insurance chief backs proposal to hike coverage requirements

by Patrick Hoge, San Francisco Business Times

An insurance gap was highlighted last New Year’s Eve when a driver seeking passengers in San Francisco with the UberXd smartphone application open struck and killed a little girl. Uber argues it isn’t liable because the driver didn’t have a ride order at the time. The girl’s parents sued; their attorney said the driver’s insurance only allowed for maximum payouts of $15,000 per person and a maximum of $30,000, the California minimum. Read More ›