Tag Archives: Net Neutrality
Cable And Telecom Companies Just Lost A Huge Court Battle On Net Neutrality
by Brian Fung, Washington Post

The court verdict puts to rest — for now — a key question: Whether the Internet represents a vital communications platform that deserves to be regulated with the same scrutiny as the common networks of the past, such as the telephone system. Read More ›
FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan Alarms Critics, But It’s Nothing New
by David Lazarus, Los Angeles Times

“For more than 20 years, wireless phone companies have not only survived but thrived under similar FCC rules for voice communication,” said Emily Rusch, executive director of the California Public Interest Research Group. “The FCC’s new proposal on broadband protects an open Internet for all consumers.” … “The phone and cable companies want to dictate terms to content providers,” said Mark Toney, executive director of the Utility Reform Network, a San Francisco advocacy group. “They want to call all the shots.” Read More ›
Shifting Politics Of Net Neutrality Debate Ahead Of FCC. Vote
by Jonathan Weisman, The New York Times

The arcane fight over net neutrality is about to burst into the open. House and Senate panels will hold hearings on Wednesday pitting the heads of the cable television and wireless lobbies against Amazon and scrappy little Etsy, an online craft market. Senator John Thune, the South Dakota Republican who now heads the commerce committee, hopes to have legislation ready the following week — ahead of the F.C.C.’s February meeting and what Internet activists are calling “the most important F.C.C. vote of our lifetime.” Read More ›
Do You Trust Telecom Industry? That’s Why We Need Open Internet
by David Lazarus, Los Angeles Times

Not surprisingly, the telecom industry’s knee-jerk, sky-is-falling response to the president’s words blew the entire matter out of proportion. Obama isn’t calling for the digital masses to rise up and seize the means of network production. All he’s saying is that the Federal Communications Commission should have the authority to make sure that telecom companies keep the Internet open and accessible to all and to make sure that no business behemoth — a Netflix, say, or Amazon.com — can shell out big bucks for fast-lane preferential treatment. Read More ›