Category Archives: Legislative Updates

CFC Sponsors Bill in CA Legislature to Protect Consumers by Licensing and Regulating Crypto Companies

2022 Bill Vetoed by Gov. Newsom: Then Crypto Crashed, Leaving Consumers Holding the Bag For Immediate Release: Monday, January 30, 2023 SACRAMENTO – The Consumer Federation of California (CFC) will attempt a second time to make the cryptocurrency industry follow common sense consumer protections by sponsoring a … Read More ›

Consumer Federation of California 2022 General Election Endorsements in Key California Races

With the 2022 General Election season voting deadline coming up, the Consumer Federation of California (CFC) wanted to provide to you, our CFC supporters, our recommendations for key races that may be on your ballot. When looking at races in the California State Legislature, CFC focused on … Read More ›

CFC opposes AB 2167 – homeowner’s insurance rate hikes

CFC opposes AB 2167 (Daly) which would let homeowner’s insurance companies to raise rates by sidestepping the voter-enacted rate review standards set by the elected Insurance Commissioner. Read CFC’s letterSacramento Bee article Santa Rosa Press Democrat article Learn more and track AB 2167 through the legislature

No COVID-19 Immunity for Law-Breaking Businesses

Big business is urging the governor to suspend a host of laws protecting consumers, workers and the environment under the guise of COVID-19 financial relief. Average Californians are suffering from the effects of the pandemic but we still must obey the law. The same is true for … Read More ›

Create a State Consumer Financial Protection Agency

CFC and other consumer groups are urging the legislature to support the establishment of state Department of Financial Protection and Innovation to help fill the gap created by the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s abandonment of its job. Read the coalition letterSan Francisco Chronicle EditorialLos Angeles Times … Read More ›

CFC Urges Regulation of For-Profit Colleges

Private For-profit colleges charge a fortune for low quality education that too often leaves students and graduates deeply in debt and lacking the skills needed to get living wage jobs. State oversight has been lax. CFC and student advocates are calling on lawmakers to put some teeth … Read More ›

Protect Nursing Home Patients

CFC and a coalition of advocates for nursing home patients are urging lawmakers to reform the state’s system of oversight and payment for skilled nursing homes. COVID-19 has added urgency to the call to strengthen patient protection and oversight of this industry. Read the coalition letter

Stopping Phone Spoofing

Assembly Bill 1132 (Gabriel) Becomes Law! Prohibits impersonating a government agency phone number December 2019 update A new CFC-sponsored law, AB 1132 (Gabriel) makes it unlawful in California to use caller ID information to impersonate a state, federal or local government agency phone. Your caller ID shows … Read More ›

Broad coalition supports the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (AB 495)

CFC joins Environmental Working Group, Black Women for Wellness, Sierra Club California, Breast Cancer Action, Clean Water Action, and many others in support of AB 495 (Muratsuchi/Wicks). The bill will prohibit cosmetics containing one or more of 20 highly toxic chemicals (such as lead or asbestos) from … Read More ›

CFC supports the Issue Ad DISCLOSE Act (AB 1217)

Would require “issue ads” to disclose their donors in the same manner as ballot initiative ads and independent expenditure ads for candidates. For example, in 2018 a shadowy group known as CALInnovates purchased over 400 Facebook ads and targeted Twitter ads against SB 822 (Net Neutrality), with … Read More ›

CFC supports SB 645 (Monning)

SB 645 protects Californians who are suffering and dying from mesothelioma and silicosis from marathon depositions over seven hours that add physical and emotional stress to their final days. Learn more about SB 645 Read CFC’s letter of support to bill’s author Senator Bill Monning

CFC supports AB 1538 (Weber)

AB 1538 would clarify the right of a consumer to choose a cash payment in lieu of repairing a damaged vehicle under an auto insurance policy. Learn more about the bill Read CFC’s March 21 support letter to the Assembly Committee on Insurance

California bans toxic flame retardant chemicals in furniture

Consumers, firefighters, environmental and public health advocates overcome decade long resistance from chemical manufacturers Read More ›

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