Category Archives: Legislative Updates

CFC Supports AB 2502 – Assisting Homeowners in Avoiding Foreclosure

By keeping more homes off the market, AB 2502’s consumer protections will also help ensure the future stability of the economy. For these reasons, we strongly support AB 2502. Read More ›

CFC Supports SB 1237 (Padilla) – Monitoring of Overradiation

One-time instances of overradiation may be difficult to detect without proper documentation of the dosage administered, and for this reason and others, it is critical that SB 1237 becomes law.
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CFC Supports SB 1291 (Leno) – Review of Fire Retardant Chemicals

No other agency is currently responsible to monitor or review the human health impacts of halogenated fire retardants and it is therefore critical that the Department of Toxics and Substance Control include them in the Green Chemistry Initiative. Read More ›

CFC is Sponsoring AB 2393 – private post-secondary proprietary school reform

AB 2393 insures that a private post-secondary proprietary school that reports or disseminates information on student success, job placement rates or graduates’ salaries in any apprenticeable occupation, bases that information on the standards for job duties and mastery of job training curriculum that the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards has developed. Read More ›

CFC Supports SB 1086 (Florez) – Corporate Subsidy Transparency

SB 1086 will increase the transparency and accountability of billions of dollars in tax subsidies California grants to corporations every year. Read More ›

CFC Opposes AB 1833 (Logue) – Unnecessary Economic Impact Analysis

We are most concerned that implementing this bill could inadvertently add unnecessary costs and time delays to the already lengthy and thorough process at these health-based state agencies. Such an outcome would be detrimental in their efforts to protect the public’s health. Read More ›

CFC Supports SB 1166 (Simitian) – Protecting Personal Information

As the danger of identity theft becomes more prevalent, California needs to take steps to protect the privacy and security rights of its residents. Standardizing security breach notifications and centralizing the reporting process are a small, but critical step in the right direction. Read More ›

CFC Supports AB 2654 (Hill) – Fraudulent Solicitations

This bill protects consumers from deceptive solicitations from non-governmental agencies posing as government fee notification letters…critical during the current economic climate when consumers need as much information as possible to make informed financial decisions.
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CFC Supports AB 2486 (Feuer) – Social Host Liability – Passes Ass. Judiciary

AB 2486 only applies to social hosts who consciously provide alcohol to minors. Hence, while AB 2486 eliminates the immunity currently afforded to social hosts, the family of the injured or killed would still need to prove that negligence occurred. Read More ›

CFC Supports SB 810 (Leno) – A “Medicare for All” , Single Payer System

AB 810 would guarantee comprehensive health care benefits to every California resident and streamline claims and reimbursements, which will save billions of dollars in health care administrative costs. Read More ›

CFC Opposes AB 822 (Fletcher) – Weakens Acute Care Consumer Protections

AB 822 would play havoc with this staffing system, and empower hospitals to easily downgrade a patient’s status from critical to acute as a cost saving measure. It would make enforcement more difficult, as mixed units would be impossible to classify in terms of the required staffing ratios. Read More ›

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