Consumer Federation Endorses Re-election of Barbara Boxer, a Consumer Champion
Boxer was one of only eight senators to vote against the Gramm Leach Bliley Act in 1999. This bill eliminated New Deal regulation of the banking industry. The collapse of our banking system in 2008, and the subsequent impoverishment of America would have been far less destructive if other lawmakers had the courage and foresight that Senator Boxer demonstrated when she voted to preserve a banking law that would have prevented banks from ever becoming “too big to fail”. Read More ›
Consumer Federation Endorses Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner
“Dave Jones is a champion for consumers. Dave Jones will be a powerful watchdog protecting consumers against insurance industry abuse”, stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›
State lawmakers differ over role of insurance post
by RAQUEL MARIA DILLON, Associated Press, San Jose Mercury News
Jones, a lawyer from Sacramento representing the 9th Assembly District for a third term, touts his 99 percent approval rating from the Consumer Federation of California, which endorsed him. Read More ›
Prop. 24 repeals business tax breaks
by Tim Herdt, Ventura County Star
Lenny Goldberg, president of the California Tax Reform Association, argues that the option would give corporations the best of all worlds – the ability to use the formula that minimizes their taxes in good years, then to use the other formula to maximize their losses in bad years. Read More ›
Bill to Ban Debit Card Surcharges Awaits Governor’s Decision
by Artem Raskin, California Progress Report
“At a time when California working families already face tough challenges making ends meet, they shouldn’t bear penalties for simply how they choose to pay. Fair is fair, whether it’s by cash, check, credit or debit card.” Read More ›
Tax Fairness Act causing serious debate
by MIKE PERRAULT, Desert Sun
…the CTA submitted more than 800,000 signatures to place the repeal measure on the November ballot. Other supports include the California Nurses Association, Consumer Federation of California, California Tax Reform Association and Congress of California Seniors. Read More ›
CFC Sponsored New Law Curbs Human Trafficking Through Greater Transparency
SB 657 requires major retail sellers and manufacturers to describe on company websites their voluntary efforts to eliminate slavery and trafficking from their own direct suppliers. Read More ›
CFC’s November Ballot Recs: Corporate Interests vs. The Public Good
by Zack Kaldveer, Consumer Federation of California, California Progress Report
Unfortunately for California, June’s election results have not served as the deterrent some may have hoped. November brings a new crop of initiatives bankrolled by some of our nation’s most notorious polluters and corporate bad actors. Read More ›
Special interests capitalize on Legislature’s end-of-session chaos
by Shane Goldmacher and Evan Halper, Los Angeles Times
Consumer activists expressed anger that the amendment was even drafted so late in the session. Richard Holober, executive director of the Consumer Federation of California, said “these kind of last-minute moves are for things that won’t hold up if exposed to sunlight. It is not a good way to govern.” Read More ›
FasTrak Privacy Bill Passes Legislature
by California Political Desk, California Watch
“The state’s interest is in collecting tolls. Period.” Said Richard Holober, executive director of the Consumer Federation of California. “that’s all the data should be used for. I’m pleased to see the Legislature endorse this level of protection.” Read More ›
Big protest planned to remind Meg Whitman of 90th anniversary of women’s right to vote
by Carla Marinucci, San Francisco Chronicle
Joining the CNA will be the California Teachers Association, California Professional Firefighters, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, Consumer Federation of California, California 9-5, National Association of Working Women, California Alliance for Retired Americans, California Labor Federation, Equality California, California School Employees Association, and others. Read More ›
State bill aims to halt sale of booze at self-checkout stands
by Michael Gardner, San Diego Union Tribune
A move to ban alcohol sales at market self-checkout counters in California is being fueled by two San Diego studies that suggest they make it easier for underaged buyers. Legislation to enact such a ban could come up on the state Senate floor as early as Wednesday.
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Closed state parks cost Central Coast jobs
by John Laird, Cal Coast News
People are tired of gridlock and are hungry for solutions that make sense-that don’t make our state budget problems worse, that invest in our future and that build our economy. That’s why I proposed a way to save our state parks and I support Proposition 21. It’s a central dividing issue in this election. Read More ›