Black Friday madness – it’s not always about the deals

by Herb Weisbaum,

Why do so many people stand in line for hours outside major retail stores — often in the bitter cold — to get caught in a stampede of crazed shoppers racing to snag a limited number of doorbuster deals? Read More ›

FDA orders 23andMe to halt sales of home DNA test kits

by The Associated Press,

FDA regulators say that the Silicon Valley company has not shown that its tests are safe or effective and orders 23andMe to stop marketing its test immediately, warning that erroneous results could cause customers to seek unnecessary or ineffective medical care. Read More ›

Scrutiny over disparity in loan fees at auto dealerships

by Rachel Abrams, New York Times

Dealerships are not required to disclose what percentage of the interest rate goes to them, and consumer advocates and some regulators are concerned that dealers’ ability to decide how much to charge has led to discriminatory lending against minorities. That concern has prompted a number of government investigations into the growing business of auto lending. Read More ›

New California fire standard can be met without toxic flame retardant chemicals

by Michael Hawthorne and Sam Roe, Chicago Tribune

California threw out the 38-year-old outdated flammability rule and approved a new one that furniture manufacturers can meet without using toxic flame retardants. Read More ›

Which company offers the best cell phone service?

by Herb Weisbaum,

Once again, Verizon is the highest-rated of the major carriers, but several small wireless companies were significantly better at delivering value and making their customers happy. Read More ›

Groupon launches Freebies, entering the coupon segment

by Wailin Wong, Chicago Tribune

The new national campaign will offer promotion codes and coupons that don’t require customers to buy anything upfront. Groupon says 5,000 brands including Best Buy, Reebok, Land’s End, Nordstrom and Sephora are signed up. Read More ›

Warning on chemicals in children’s furniture

by Stephanie M. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle

Children may enjoy plopping down in foam-filled chairs just their size, but a report released by several advocacy groups says those chairs may contain flame retardants that could be harmful. Read More ›

Google continues to buy its way out of privacy problems

by John Simpson, Consumer Watchdog

Google’s $17 million settlement with states attorneys general demonstrates the Internet giant’s business strategy of doing whatever it wants and then buying its way out of trouble when caught breaking the rules. Read More ›

How to prevent holiday identity theft

by Herb Weisbaum,

ID theft is a year-round problem, but the hectic holiday season is prime time for this crime. There are a few simple things you can do to reduce your risk of becoming a victim. Read More ›

Health measures to dominate 2014 voter ballot

by Marc Lifsher, Los Angeles Times

A ballot teeming with health measures next November may prompt hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign spending. Read More ›

“Do Not Track Kids Act” before Congress

by Herb Weisbaum,

If passed, this federal bill would limit the ability of companies to collect online data about young teens, age 13 to 15. It would create an “Eraser Button” tool to remove publicly available personal information when technologically feasible. A similar state bill recently passed in California will take effect in 2015. Read More ›

Top five mistakes to avoid in donating to Typhoon Haiyan relief

by Editor, Better Business Bureau

As the public’s attention and hearts are focused on the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, donors are advised to take steps to avoid being taken by questionable solicitors or wasting their money on poorly managed relief efforts. Read More ›

Kamala Harris shutters 10 fake Covered California websites

by Christopher Cadelago, Sacramento Bee

“These websites fraudulently imitated Covered California in order to lure consumers away from plans that provide the benefits of the Affordable Care Act,” Harris said in a prepared statement. “My office will continue to investigate and shut down these kinds of sites…” Read More ›

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