Tag Archives: Consumer Legal Remedies Act
Lumber Liquidators Sued Over Formaldehyde Allegations
by Chris Morran, Consumerist

The suit alleges … the company “breached their warranties by manufacturing, selling and/or distributing flooring products with levels of formaldehyde that exceed the CARB standards, or by making affirmative representations regarding CARB compliance without knowledge of its truth.” Lumber Liquidators is also accused of the California Business and Professions Code’s prohibitions against “unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business act or practice,” false advertising. Additionally, the plaintiffs allege that misrepresenting the [California Air Resources Board] certification of the wood violates the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act. Read More ›
SB 1188: Manufacturers Not Liable For Selling Junk?

Courts have let business off the hook for hazy TV screens, overheating computers, malfunctioning washing machines, and more. Senate Bill 1188 holds corporations accountable – but it faces fierce industry opposition. Read More ›
More Calif. colleges contract with debit card firm criticized for fees
by Erica Perez, California Watch
Nearly half of the state’s community colleges and a handful of other higher education institutions now disburse student financial aid on debit cards through contracts with Higher One, a financial firm that has garnered increasing scrutiny for charging multiple fees, aggressive marketing tactics and privacy concerns. Read More ›