Tag Archives: Prop 46
Sen. Boxer and Mothers of Children Killed by Medical Malpractice Speak Out for Prop. 46

U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer held a press conference at the Consumer Federation of California’s San Francisco office last week. She was joined by five mothers with anguished stories of medical malpractice that took the lives of their children – and hopeful news about how voters can help … Read More ›
Boxer Joins Mothers Who Lost Children to Medical Malpractice to Call for Voters’ Support for Prop 46

“Preventable medical errors [are] now the third leading cause of death. Only heart disease and cancer take more lives,” Sen. Barbara Boxer says in a television ad released at a press conference in the Consumer Federation of California’s San Francisco office. Her call for voters to support the patient safety protections in Proposition 46 was echoed by mothers who lost children to medical negligence and explained how they have been denied access to justice because the value of their children’s lives under the law has been capped at $250,000 since 1975 and never adjusted. Read More ›