Category Archives: CFC in the News
Dems rank high, GOP low in Consumer Federation scorecard
by Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee
“Not all Democratic lawmakers received high marks,” the federation’s spokesman, Zack Kaldveer, said. “An informal caucus of corporate-friendly Democrats often joined their Republican colleagues to kill consumer protection bills – particularly those targeted by corporate interests and their armies of lobbyists.”
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Consumer Federation Slams Utilities on Smart Meter Privacy Position
by a2zresource, San Diego Reader
In its recent regulatory filing, the Consumer Federation of California attacks the arguments of investor owned utilities…seeking to avoid regulatory liability for abuses of private consumer data taken from smart meters by non-utility third parties. Read More ›
PG&E tab for San Bruno blast may hit $1 billion
by Steve Johnson, San Jose Mercury News
…Richard Holober…of the Consumer Federation of California, called any increase “intolerable at a time when we have high unemployment, declining incomes and declining values in retirement funds. People are at the breaking point and are no longer able to say, ‘We’ll just suck it up and pay what PG&E demands.'” Read More ›
GOP ‘run over by a truck’ in down-ticket races
by Jack Dolan and Shane Goldmacher, Los Angeles Times
A former legal aid attorney with a Harvard law degree…Jones won endorsements from trial lawyers and leading consumer advocates, including the Consumer Federation of California. Large insurance companies shelled out millions of dollars to run ads on Villines’ behalf. Read More ›
California’s Other Ballot Initiative
by Kate Sheppard, Mother Jones
The Consumer Federation of California called it a “sneak attack on environmental and health regulations.” Like its companion on the ballot, Prop. 26 has enjoyed the support of big oil companies; Chevron has given $4 million to the effort to pass Prop 26, and ConocoPhillips and Occidental Petroleum have also contributed, as has tobacco company Phillip Morris. Read More ›
Prop 26 ‘ Voters Must Reject the Polluter Protection Act
by Richard Holober, Consumer Federation of California, California Progress Report
Prop 26 is a sneak attack on environmental and health regulations that costs California’s general fund a billion dollars a year. Voters must reject this big oil and big tobacco hand out, and reject it they will.
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Insurance Industry Wants to Buy This Election
by By Rosemary Shahan, Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, California Progress Report
Jones has repeatedly earned 100% pro-consumer ratings in the Consumer Federation of California’s Legislative scorecard. Villines’ voting record is the polar opposite. For years, on high-stakes issues ranging from the price of health care to whether insurers can discriminate on the basis of where you live, the vast majority of the time, Villines has voted for insurance industry giants, and against individuals and families. Read More ›
Monning faces challenger for state Assembly seat
by GRISELDA D. RAMIREZ, The Californian
Monning said he’s been endorsed by nearly 500 groups and individuals, including the Consumer Federation of California, Sierra Club California, California League of Conservation Voters, California Labor Federation along with firefighters, law enforcement and the mayors he represents. Read More ›
California’s props and the business impact
by Ben Keller and Clay Moffitt , Fresno Business Journal
“It (2/3’s budget rule) gives enormous power to a small minority of the legislature…so you get a budget that doesn’t reflect what Californians actually want,” said Zack Kaldveer, spokesperson for the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›
California insurance commissioner to gain more power from federal healthcare law
by By Marc Lifsher, Los Angeles Times
The Consumer Federation of California in San Mateo endorsed Jones. It gave him a 99% pro-consumer voting record on the group’s “legislative scorecards” and gave Villines a 15% score. Read More ›
Consumer Federation Endorses Re-election of Barbara Boxer, a Consumer Champion
Boxer was one of only eight senators to vote against the Gramm Leach Bliley Act in 1999. This bill eliminated New Deal regulation of the banking industry. The collapse of our banking system in 2008, and the subsequent impoverishment of America would have been far less destructive if other lawmakers had the courage and foresight that Senator Boxer demonstrated when she voted to preserve a banking law that would have prevented banks from ever becoming “too big to fail”. Read More ›
Consumer Federation Endorses Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner
“Dave Jones is a champion for consumers. Dave Jones will be a powerful watchdog protecting consumers against insurance industry abuse”, stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›
State lawmakers differ over role of insurance post
by RAQUEL MARIA DILLON, Associated Press, San Jose Mercury News
Jones, a lawyer from Sacramento representing the 9th Assembly District for a third term, touts his 99 percent approval rating from the Consumer Federation of California, which endorsed him. Read More ›