Expired Baby Food, Formula Bill Signed Into Law
by I-10 News Team, Channel 10 News San Diego
Pan authored AB 688 with the support of the Consumer Federation of California. The bill stated that any store selling expired baby food, formula or over-the-counter medication would be fined up to $10 a day for each item sold.
Gov. Brown Signs Consumer Federation-Sponsored AB 688 (Pan)
“We applaud Governor Jerry Brown for signing an important food and drug safety bill, AB 688, by Assemblyman Richard Pan. This common sense law will protect the most vulnerable Californians – the very young and the ill,” stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California, sponsor of AB 688.
Governor signs Bill to ban Self-Serve Alcohol Sales in California
California Governor Jerry Brown finally signed a bill to ban alcohol sales through self-serve checkout machines in California. Read More ›
Under age alcohol purchases made more difficult
by Gar Swaffar , Digital Journal
This bill had extensive support from disparate groups throughout the state, including MADD, Consumer Federation of California, California Police Chiefs, Alcohol Justice, California’s Police Officers (PORAC), California Professional Firefighters, California Council on Alcohol Problems, California Narcotic Officers Association and many of the states religious leaders.
Sparks fly in fight over health-care regulation
by John Howard, Capitol Weekly
The debate is over AB 52 by Assemblyman Mike Feuer, D-West Hollywood, which would give the state insurance commissioner and the state’s HMO regulator the authority to approve insurers’ rates to make sure they are not unfair, excessive or discriminatory. Read More ›
Stopping the Sale of Expired Infant Formula and Medications
by Richard Holober, CFC Executive Director, California Progress Report
When embarrassing exposes don’t get an industry’s attention, regulations become necessary. AB 688 is a logical companion to federal food and drug safety standards. It’s time that retailers got the message that it is not a’ceptable to sell expired food and medication. Read More ›
Consumer Federation of California Applauds Governor’s Signing of AB 1319 (Butler) – Banning Toxic BPA in Children’s Products
“Governor Brown’s signature confirms the overwhelming scientific evidence indicating BPA is not safe for human consumption, particularly for young, developing children.” Read More ›
Calif. Extends Library Privacy Laws to E-Books
by Chloe Albanesius, PC Magazine
The bill was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union of California (ACLU) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), as well as Google, TechNet, and the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›
CFC’s Zack Kaldveer visits the Rick Smith Show to Discuss AB 22 (Mendoza)
by Rick Smith, The Rick Smith Show
Listen to Zack Kaldveer, Communications Director for the Consumer Federation of California visit the Rick Smith Show to talk about the movement, and California bill (AB 22 – Mendoza), to ban employers from using credit checks on job interviews. Read More ›
Poll: 74% support banning sale of expired baby food, formula and over the counter meds
“Californians across the political spectrum support AB 688 because it is a common sense regulation that protects our families’ health,” stated Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California. Read More ›
Feds fear for safety of PG&E’s gas system
by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle
Much of Pacific Gas and Electric Co.’s natural-gas transmission system could be at risk of catastrophic failure, but the company’s record-keeping system is so flawed that the true danger is impossible to determine, federal investigators said Monday in their final report on last year’s San Bruno disaster.
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ConsumerWatch: Who’s Preventing The Sale Of Expired Products?
by Julie Watts reports, CBS Local
Stores in California could soon have to keep a much closer watch on the expiration date of products if the governor signs a bill increasing fines for retailers who offer past due items for sale. Read More ›
Plastic natural gas pipe failure data kept secret
by Jaxon Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle
The type of plastic pipe that caused a natural gas explosion and fire in a Cupertino condominium last month has long been considered a potential threat to the public, but federal pipeline regulators have allowed companies to keep it in the ground and secretly gather limited information about its failings, a Chronicle investigation shows. Read More ›