Tag Archives: Deceptive
Are electronic health records safe from the next heartbleed?
by Alisha Wyman, California Health Report

The discovery of the bug in early April coincided with the end of the sign-up period for the Affordable Care Act, which has relied heavily on web interaction with millions of consumers. Health care organizations are both desirable targets for cyber-criminals and less prepared than other sectors to protect against an attack, Internet security experts agree. Read More ›
We Saved Consumers $125 Million On Insurance So Far In 2014
by Richard Holober, Executive Director, Consumer Federation of California

10/1/2014 Update: 2014 consumer savings rose to $148.3 million by year’s end. To recap: 1 million AIG policyholders saved $7.7 million on homeowners insurance. Infinity Insurance policyholders saved $15.5 million on auto insurance. 1.2 million Farmers policyholders saved $34 million on homeowners insurance (details below). 1.6 million … Read More ›
Nasty surprise for some student loan borrowers
by Herb Weisbaum, CNBC

Students who take out private loans to pay for college could face a nasty surprise if their co-signer dies or files for bankruptcy: The lender may suddenly demand the loan be paid in full—or even worse, put that loan in default—even though all payments are being made on time. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a consumer advisory on Tuesday, warning borrowers that these “auto-default” clauses may be in their loan agreements and serious financial consequences could result. Read More ›
Will a proposed airfare transparency law help consumers, or let the airlines be deceptive?
by Christopher Elliott, Washington Post
At best, the proposed Transparent Airfares Act of 2014 would open a window into the many taxes and mandatory fees attached to your airline ticket. At worst, the proposed law would give airlines a license to quote an artificially low ticket price, undoing years of regulatory efforts to require the display of a full fare. Read More ›
Five Signs of Financial Elder Abuse You Can Spot Now
by John Wasik, Forbes

Some of the most insidious swindles involve exploitation of older Americans. Fortunately, there are some clear warning signs of chicanery. Here’s what you need to look for. Read More ›