Category Archives: Legislative Updates

Telecom industry’s AB 300, surcharge on pre-paid cell phones (vetoed)

CFC opposes AB 300, which would impose a surcharge on pre-paid cell phones. This overly complicated and unnecessary surcharge collection structure will mandate a shift of the burden of surcharge payment onto the bills of the California consumer. Read More ›

AB 140 increases protection for elders financially exploited by undue influence (signed into law)

CFC strongly supports AB 140, a bill to modernize the definition of undue influence, in order to increase protection for elders who are financially exploited by those in positions of authority and trust. Read More ›

“Keeping Seniors Safe” AB 849, co-sponsored by CFC, protects victims of elder abuse (signed into law)

CFC, along with Legal Assistance to the Elderly, Inc., co-sponsored AB 849, which authorizes community-based assistance programs serving victims of elder and dependent adult abuse to help those victims apply to an address confidentiality program. Read More ›

AB 127 reduces toxic flame retardants in building insulation, maintains fire safety (signed into law)

CFC supports AB 127, which would reduce the use of flame retardant chemicals in building insulation while maintaining building fire safety and encouraging healthy building practices. Read More ›

SB 12 establishes Made in California label (signed into law)

A “Made in USA” label has long been seen as an advantage in marketing a product. Now there are in-state manufacturers that want to see the adoption of an official label that declares Made in California. Read More ›

SB 46 strengthens computer account privacy for consumers (signed into law)

CFC supports SB 46, which will strengthen computer account privacy protections for consumers by requiring the state and businesses operating in California to create additional safeguards. Read More ›

Identity theft prevention AB 1149 requires notification of data breaches (signed into law)

Governor Brown signed CFC-supported AB 1149, a bill to help stop identity theft by requiring all local government agencies to notify their workers and constituents if their electronic data has been hacked, as the state and the private sector already are required to do. Read More ›

AB 261 limits fees charged by residential care facilities for the elderly (signed into law)

The bill will forbid the imposition of post-death fees once the resident’s personal property has been removed from the facility, and will end the bizarre practice of requiring residents give advanced notice of their death. Read More ›

AB 658 closes a loophole on medical app privacy (signed into law)

One of the biggest concerns with smartphones in medical care is the potential breach of confidentiality. CFC supports AB 658, which closes the medical-app privacy loophole. Read More ›

Victory! AT&T and Verizon’s attack on low-income consumers stopped

CFC Executive Director Richard Holober stated, “An outpouring of opposition from consumers, seniors, organized labor, and the faith community overcame the corporate lobbying clout of AT&T and Verizon. Low-income Californians will continue to have basic phone service, including 911 service, at an affordable price.” Read More ›

Ineffective, toxic flame-retardant chemicals on the way out

California regulators and lawmakers moving forward on adopting flammability standards that would help eliminate ineffective and toxic flame retardant chemicals linked to neurological problems, infertility, cancer, and other adverse health impacts. Read More ›

Apple’s disregard for consumer privacy – a consistent policy

Opposing privacy protections is not new for Apple, as they have continued to breach data protection and consumer rights over the years. As a result, their cult-like following has begun to erode. Read More ›

AT&T’s attack on low-income Lifeline program with AB 1407 (2-year bill)

AB 1407 grossly favors telecom industry giants and allows them to place a stranglehold on low-income Californians, at the growing expense of ratepayers. Simultaneously, it guts the current LifeLine program, rendering it less available, less reliable, and less affordable for those it serves. Read More ›

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