Category Archives: Legislative Updates

SB 1188: Manufacturers Not Liable For Selling Junk?

Courts have let business off the hook for hazy TV screens, overheating computers, malfunctioning washing machines, and more. Senate Bill 1188 holds corporations accountable – but it faces fierce industry opposition. Read More ›

SB 383: Battle For Privacy In Online Purchases Falters After 2-Year Fight

credit card and computer keyboard

CFC sponsored the bill to restore privacy protections, permitting online businesses to collect only a customer’s zip code and other limited information necessary to combat fraud or identity theft. Apple is leading the opposition; several industry lobbying organizations lined up against the bill. Senator Jackson plans to take up SB 383 for a Senate Floor vote in January 2014. Read More ›

SB 52 Strengthens Campaign Contribution And Advertising Transparency (2-year bill)

The provisions in SB 52 will help ensure that the public is more aware of what and who is influencing California’s elections. Read More ›

SB 686: Drive to stop sale of recalled cars runs out of gas

A scandalous and possibly unprecedented year for automobile recalls wasn’t enough to persuade the Assembly Business Professions and Consumer Protection Committee to maintain SB 686’s safety drive; the measure went down to defeat June 17. “This Legislature just wasn’t up to standing up to the car dealers,” said Rosemary Shahan, president of Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, the organization that sponsored the bill. She vowed to continue to press the issue.
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CPUC Ignores Cell Phone Privacy

The California Public Utilities Commission buries its heads in the sand regarding cell phone privacy. Read More ›

Consumer Federation of California’s 2013 Legislative Summary

The 2013 legislative session concluded on September 13 and Governor Brown had about 900 bills to sign or veto. Numerous consumer bills advanced and Consumer Federation of California had important successes. Read More ›

SB 448 proposes office to investigate fuel price volatility, gas price fixing (vetoed)

CFC supports SB 448, which is aimed at protecting California consumers who have, for too long, been at the mercy of a few major oil companies that control nearly all of the transportation fuel market. Read More ›

AB 1409 would make harmful changes to Lifeline telephone program (vetoed)

Steps to modernize the program by allowing wireless customers to participate are already underway by the CPUC. The changes made by AB 1409 would only generate confusion and potentially create delays in the program. CFC opposes this bill. Read More ›

Telecom industry’s AB 300, surcharge on pre-paid cell phones (vetoed)

CFC opposes AB 300, which would impose a surcharge on pre-paid cell phones. This overly complicated and unnecessary surcharge collection structure will mandate a shift of the burden of surcharge payment onto the bills of the California consumer. Read More ›

AB 140 increases protection for elders financially exploited by undue influence (signed into law)

CFC strongly supports AB 140, a bill to modernize the definition of undue influence, in order to increase protection for elders who are financially exploited by those in positions of authority and trust. Read More ›

“Keeping Seniors Safe” AB 849, co-sponsored by CFC, protects victims of elder abuse (signed into law)

CFC, along with Legal Assistance to the Elderly, Inc., co-sponsored AB 849, which authorizes community-based assistance programs serving victims of elder and dependent adult abuse to help those victims apply to an address confidentiality program. Read More ›

AB 127 reduces toxic flame retardants in building insulation, maintains fire safety (signed into law)

CFC supports AB 127, which would reduce the use of flame retardant chemicals in building insulation while maintaining building fire safety and encouraging healthy building practices. Read More ›

SB 12 establishes Made in California label (signed into law)

A “Made in USA” label has long been seen as an advantage in marketing a product. Now there are in-state manufacturers that want to see the adoption of an official label that declares Made in California. Read More ›

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